Friday, April 12, 2013

Yesterday 4/11/13


This is what i did in school yesterday. Yesterday i went to first period and I did triangles. We worked on translation, rotation, and reflection. We got homework and it was on rotation because that is the hardest one of all three of the triangle movements. Then I went to 2nd period and we just worked on the computers on our blogs. Then I went to 3rd period lunch and we ate a sack lunch because we were getting out early. Then I Went to 4th  period  and I just read and searched for books because I was at library. I went to 5th period and it is also a reading class so I read the whole period. Then I went to 6th period and that is my math enrichment class so I did algebra 1 stuff even though i already have taken algebra and I don't really learn anything. So at the end of 6th we went home because there was thunderstorms and we went home early. So that was my day yesterday.

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